Thursday, January 26, 2012

Missed posting Hannah's Birthday Tea Party

January 20th, five years ago a little red-headed grand daughter was born. Precious gentle flower graced us.....with a little spice at times. Ha ha! Happy Birthday precious Hannah! We love you so very much!!!!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Sweet Blessings!

These moments that I am privileged to experience with my grandchildren are priceless! Innocence....Priceless and so beautiful to behold. It tickles my heart.
Little H needed a nap and I explained that all princesses need to "Sweeten"....She proceeded to ask, "Once I'm sweet again - can I get up?" I had to laugh!
Sweet pea!

I love this little redhead! She is my closest buddy!

Chloe, although sick with a croupy cough, runny nose and somewhat fussy - will cuddle up to me. A rarity. I've waiting a LONG while for her to buddy up to me. She's such a cuddle bug now! Today she looked at her momma and said in the most pitiful voice I've ever heard, "I sick!" Bless her little heart. She has been sick....Her poor little nose! I know it's got to be so sore! :(
But despite her not feeling well...she still managed to play with her sissy.

Today was an eventful day for not having much to do. Mostly - I stayed in with my daughter - and sick grandchildren.....But....the oldest Bek - got to go with her daddy for a daddy daughter date. She got all dressed up and even wore blush and mascara for the occassion. They braved the rainy weather and caught a movie, The War Horse, (excellent movie we were told!), (in hind-sight NOT my favorite!), and then later dinner at the Olive Garden! WOW!

All in all - it's been a fun time of catching up and bonding with them all! I love all the hugs and long I don't catch their bug!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Wednesday.....Hump Day!

...But still...
THIS IS the day that the Lord has made - so let us rejoice and be glad in it!

Sometimes though - it's difficult to be joyful in affliction! Trials and trauma that test every fiber of our being - is not an easy task at times. It's then though - that we MUST reflect in WHO God is - NOT what is going on in our lives! Worshipping His majesty....He is our everything! In that - I do rejoice when I begin to ponder all His marvelous ways - from the sunrise to the sunset....formations of clouds, the birds that dance and sing, wind that blows across a wheat field, leaves of a tree so perfectly formed and countless other things to bask in the wonderment of God and His creation!

My heart is heavy today when I remember my daughter and the baby she is carrying is no more. Somewhere in the midst of her first trimester - the baby failed to thrive and died. . . it's her 3rd miscarriage.

They named the baby Enoch. Enoch walked with God and then God took him.
My daughter's surgery will be on Friday - and my heart has a small glimmer of hope that perhaps the ultrasound was wrong - and when they repeat it - they will find that missing heartbeat - and see the blood flowing through that precious baby...and our sorrow of loss will turn to joy!!!

It's a difficult process - and my grandchildren are having a rough time of it trying to deal with the loss! We were so hopeful!

Still - though - life continues - and we must pick ourselves up and go on. Lest we be rendered useless in the growth of the Kingdom of God. Whatever happens on this side of Heaven is nothing to be compared to that which awaits those who follow Jesus! By God's grace - we will go on....

Today's passage of scripture is found in Proverbs 4:23...

Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life.

I can think a countless sermons that could be preached on that subject alone! Our hearts?.....we must guard our hearts! Protect it from the world's insults and barrage of condemnation that oozes out of the fabric of, not only our nation, but our entire world!

Remember today.....and never forget.....we are fearfully and wonderfully made. God created US for HIS pleasure to have fellowship with us! He loves us so much that He sent His son Jesus to die for our sins! It's by grace we are saved by faith! Remember always that He promises to never leave or forsake us and will be with us to the very end! He has engraved you on the palm of His hand and called you His. You are the apple of His eye. Remember WHO YOU ARE! In Christ Jesus - we are the righteousness of God! When the "world" comes trying to knock you down - stand therefore with a armor of God and remember that we are the Saints of God in Christ! [Ephesians 6:10-18] A MIGHTY ARMY that will defeat those not following Jesus. The Kingdom of God will never be shaken - NEVER!

Be blessed today!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

A Proverbs a day.......Keeps the blues away....

Well? It rhymes! I'm not sure if reading in the Book of Proverbs daily keeps the blues away .... but I do know - that it is packed-filled with immeasurable wisdom. Proverbs IS a book about attaining wisdom for our lives! If we read a chapter of Proverbs daily - Chapter 1 on the 1st, 2 on the 2nd...and so on - we will have read the entire book 12 times within the year!

Today's scripture found in the 3rd chapter of Proverbs....

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your paths. Proverbs 3:5-6

One of my favorite passages of scripture and one in which I have lived with for as long as I can remember. Not always do we understand that which happens in our lives - but we can always trust that - no matter what - God will always be with us, never give us more than we can bear, (even though we think we can't handle it....somehow God gives us strength to get us through). God promises to never leave or forsake us. He will be with us to the very end! He also promises that His sheep hear His voice telling them that this is the way to walk!
Some people mistakingly believe that God will somehow reveal Himself in magnificently grandiously ways so that no one can mistake His perfect sovereignty! (And God can - and does at times), but sometimes He reveals Himself in a still .... small ... voice......
. . . a whisper . . .

In order to hear Him... we must be still . . . .

Lean NOT on your own understanding! DO NOT be wise in our own eyes! The world tells us to trust in our own hearts - but the WORD says that the heart is deceitful above all else and cannot be trusted! God tell us that the wisdom of the world is as foolishness to Him!

The measuring stick we use MUST be HIS....not by the world's standards!

Be blessed today as you bask in His presence - thanking Him for WHO He is and for all He is about to do through you this year!!!

We do serve an AWESOME God!

Monday, January 2, 2012

New Year's Resolutions....and other stuff!'s 2012!!! A time of renewal - and starting over! Just what do I want to accomplish this year??? I pray that God can use me in a productive way to bring Him glory, honor and praise in all I do!

After all - isn't that what we are purposed for? To be in relationship with God - our Heavenly Father and to exemplify Christ in all we do?! To BE Jesus with others in hopes that they can see God's love resonate through us!

Resolutions? Hmmm....
To pray more
Read my Bible more
Eat healthier
Work out and lose weight! (Isn't that on ALL New Year's Resolutions!)

I want to accomplish something - be productive - understand and DO God's will. After all - it is the "Doers" of God's will that inherit the Kingdom of God - not just the hearers only!

This list could be endless - so I'll stop for now!

This new year is starting off a little sad however! The excitement of bringing in the new year with my daughter's new baby-to-be - ended with great sorrow! Still in the process....the disappointment, sadness.....I have no words to describe! My grandchildren are trying to cope with the loss too. Just a LOT to pray about during this emotional time of turmoil!

This is the day that the Lord has made....let us rejoice and be glad in it! Even amidst the trials - God is still on the Throne of Grace paying attention to every detail in our lives. One day He will wipe away every tear!

Sunday, January 1, 2012