Monday, May 25, 2015

Memorial Day.....but reminiscent of the day my mother died!

This is a somber day really!  Today as the television programming is filled with memories and stories of fallen hero's and soldiers who bravely fought for our nation, I am thumbing through old photo albums remembering my mother.

It's been 9 years today since she died.  May 25th.......I received that dreaded phone call that told me she was gone. Sooo...VERY......hard!

So much she has missed - and so many times I wanted to call...but couldn't!

So for today.....I am in reflection.....reminiscence of times gone by!
 I miss her so much.  I always will.
There is coming a day though.... when we will see one another again.
 I think that day is drawing very close!

Perhaps Jesus will come at any time to take us HOME.  I look for Him daily!

Are YOU ready?! I pray you are!