Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Touring Wilson Farms

I neglected to take notes from my brother-in-law Dave while he gave us a tour of Wilson Farms - so hopefully pictures will help give you an idea of the magnitude of the process!
They are getting into the planting season of Wilson Farms - and the equipment shown helps plow the fields and then plant or sow the seeds. Hopefully, the rain will be plentiful so they will have a great crop this year!
The semitruck loads in excess of 200,000 bushels will give you an idea that it is NO small operation! It's quite a production and mamouth operation - to say the least!!!

A Visit with Steve's dad....

We had a luncheon planned at the nursing home where Steve's dad resides.
The nursing home help arranged for us to have a room to dine in alone - which was very nice....
My father-in-law wasn't feeling very well the day we visited unfortunately. He had been ill with some kind of virus and his appetite was next to nothing....he just couldn't bring himself to eat.
Hopefully though - the antibiotics will kick in soon - to help him get over it quickly....
Besides not eating - he slept most of the time...partly I suspect from the virus.
We hope to get back up to Indiana soon for another visit - and possibly another luncheon...only next time - maybe I'll make something and bring it in!!!

Friday, April 3, 2009

Cherished Memories . . . A trip to Florida to visit our Grandchildren . . .

We recently flew down to Florida to spend some grandma and grandpa time with our grandchildren.
Here are some of the highlights in pictures!