Matt finds the Wii
On the Eve of New Year's Eve, my son Matthew and his lovely wife Jessie came to celebrate Christmas with us. We had a blast just hanging out! But on New Year's Eve we didn't stay put - rather we ventured to Cool Springs area to clean and repair Jessie's wedding rings at The Shane Company. We visited the Cool Springs Galleria Mall while waiting - and then on to Gaylord Opryland Hotel to see the lights, and the show ICE. It was awesome!
The following night we played Monopoly and Risk til midnight! Blaaa! I am NOT a night owl!!!
I really enjoyed their visit!!!
Lunch at Five Chefs was they sat us on the patio area away from the environment. Oh least we toured the store located on the premises.
Walking the Cool Springs Galleria mall waiting for Jessie's rings to be worked on.
ICE - we needed those jackets......but sure wish I wore gloves. A chilly 9 degrees.
Brunch at the Cracker Barrell with all my boys and their family before we parted ways. It sure was a nice visit!!!! I miss them already!
Uncle Chris got in a few moments with nephew Micah!'re such a good Uncle Chris!
Micah is growing in leaps and bounds!!!
Matt and Jessie are so awesome!!!
Daddy Josh gets some time with his son!
Danielle and Josh met with us at the Cracker Barrel to say good bye!
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