Wednesday, February 26, 2014

It's another girl!!!!

Wow! It has been forever since my last blog post! I need to be better about this!

Today left us all with great anticipation to learn the sex of the new baby my daughter will have in a few short months from now!  Oh my!!! My son-in-law Jay must have a dramatic presentation to announce it......trying to top how we learned that Felicity was a girl! NOTHING will EVER top that ...EVER! A relay race...on my birthday...during a minor league baseball game in front of thousands of people! And the answer revealed on paper tucked inside a balloon that had to be popped! Oh my gosh!!! This time though Jay disappeared upstairs only to return with his face covered in his coat! He would either shave his long growing beard or wear the appropriate color bow in his beard! A pink bow!!! Haha!!!

It's a GIRL!!!!

My grandson Ben....well.....will have yet another sister! And baby makes 5 girls! (I really don't think he minds though!!!)  All I keep thinking about is all those girls and their weddings one day! Unless The Lord returns first! I really need to find that perfect place for a wedding venue! We are going to need it!!! 

Blessed are those who have a quiver full!!!
I'm just happy to be a grandma! Again! :)

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