Saturday, May 1, 2010

Mother's Day Bouquet

My husband has been a little over zealous.....but sweet!  He didn't want to forget Mother's Day this year - especially that he is I received a call this morning....(which is good - because I was going to leave for the day), stating that they had a delivery and wanted to make sure that I'd be home.  Well - after a series of calls and a few mis-guided directions, (one namely being on the WRONG highway), my bouquet of flowers arrived.

WOW!  A bowl of beautiful flowers!
But who were they from?????  I could hardly stand the anticipation as I had a short conversation with the delivery gal.  Someone had written that I lived on Hwy 76....which is quite a distance from me.... but she finally found me.

It was my husband that had remembered me for Mother's Day......sooo sweet....
.....There was only one problem....
It was a week early!
I don't mind....
Now I can enjoy my flowers a whole week before Mother's Day!
Thank you Steve!!! :)

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