Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas came and went...and this morning - it's STILL softly snowing!

The first time Nashville and surrounding areas have had snow on Christmas in 17, (SEVENTEEN) years!!!  We had a white Christmas - and the snow hasn't stopped since.   It's cold...but soo snooooow beautiful!!!

It was a nice Christmas...small really!  I miss my children and their families...but I guess that's to be expected when they all grow up, move out, get married and start having families of their own!  Still makes my heart long for the day that we can ALL be together again!  I miss the singing, the laughter, the smiles and hugs....I just miss all being together under one roof.  It's been so many years now - that I cannot recount them.

I had to laugh when this year - Steve and I got each other - not 1 - not 2 - but 3 - THREE  of the SAME gifts!  Aaahhhh!  Ha ha ha!!!  Only he got the better brands - so we returned mine - and kept his.
 Being that I think we do this about ever year - we need to talk about - and agree what we are going to get and go get it TOGETHER!  ha ha!

Christmas dinner was nice.  I couldn't sleep - and so started cooking at 5:00 a.m. and didn't finish up until around 2:00 pm  Life is so quiet now that it's just Steve, Chris and myself.  But we had a lazy day - and just enjoyed the snow, the movies we watched - and all the goodies.  (Full well knowing that this will SOON change...and our diets will all-too-quickly HAVE to start!)  Ugh!  BUT....I'm not calling it a diet....rather - it's our lifestyle change!

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