Monday, July 28, 2014

False Alarm

It's getting exciting by each passing day!  My daughter is due to have her 6th child, (5th girl), any day now.  Last night we thought, "AT LAST!" But after pulling an all-nighter at the hospital, with intense morning - the contractions subsided....sigh....and there is STILL no baby! Argh!

I should not complain.....It's my daughter who is frustrated and so tired beyond words.

We thought July 27th would be a great day! Shared with my son Matt and daughter-in-law's wedding anniversary, my sister-in-law Kate's birthday, (and Caroline's birthday, Kate's twin, but she sadly died a several years ago), niece Juliette's birthday, and what would have been my niece Candace's birthday. (May she rest in peace! As she died just this past June 24th from an brain aneurism! She is very missed!). we wait....and wait....and wait!  All in God's timing! But it sure is getting hard being patient! Ha! We all want to meet this little wonder!

Meanwhile.....I need to get back to routine...and maybe take a nap!  Since I was up all night long too!

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