Wednesday, August 6, 2014

A new grandbaby! She's here!!!

It was a long time coming...and the wait - well - the wait was excruciating! My daughter gave birth to a dark haired NINE POUND & .6 baby girl. 21 & 1/2" WOW!  Long story...but hospital policy would not help her have this baby before 39 weeks. However, we believe they had the date VERY wrong! Plus added to the fact that she was a gestational diabetes baby - and pretty plump!  Miss Lydia Claire was born on July 31st and had a bit of a rough start. Normal for gestational diabetes babies....her sugars plummeted and they had a hard time stabilizing her. But she is home now and being loved on by her siblings!  All 5 of them!

Lydia is my 10th grandchild...and I could not be more delighted!  Soo different from the others too. Not the normal fair-skinned, red head or blonde...she has a darker complexion and dark brown hair as well.  So funny how waaaay back when - Chloe told everyone she had a dream - and was the only one who said Lydia would be a girl and have black hair!  She wasn't far off!  WOW!

I am so in love with this baby!  I cannot wait until it's my turn to hold her again!  Ha ha!

God's blessings are so awesome!!! :)

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