Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Steve's new hobby and the LOVE of his life!

I never thought I'd have to compete with an airplane - but - it looks as though 3229Y (pronounced - 3-2-2 niner-yankee), is Steve's 182 Cessna airplane and also his FIRST LOVE!

He LOVES to fly!
Dreams to fly!
And . . .
LIVES to fly!
And thinks of flying continuously!
Eat, sleeps and drinks . . . . . and well . . . . you get the picture - he LOVES flying!
They say that pilots have an addiction - and I believe it! They're hooked on flying and it has captivated Steve - hook, line and sinker!
They also say - pilots have a.i.d.e.s .......Aviators In Divorce Syndrome . . .

Well . . .hopefully NOT!
Now I just need to get my nervousness worked out so I can muster up the courage to go with him! YIKES!!!
Steve manages to get very creative - working out zillions of ways to use his plane into any and every scenerio that he can think of - just so he can fly - ! He says it's his way of relaxing and has a peace that cannot be replaced any other way!
Yep! He's DEFINATELY addicted!!!

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