Saturday, December 31, 2011
The end of 2011.... A Year in Retrospect!
The reality of 2011 ending and a new year begins!!!
Wow! 2012 is hard to accept....and yet here it is!
All the New Year's Resolutions made will begin tomorrow! Ha!
My goal is to get healthy... healthier!!! Eat right...lose more weight....and??? Not sure what else. Find a job or start a new venture??? Pray more... LOTS more!!!
This past year has been crazy!
As the year 2011 is fast coming to an end.....I find myself at a loss with what to write. In year's past - I have always been able to write about the year's events, but this last year has been far different from most!
As I began to write this, my son Matthew had just been released from the hospital in South Carolina, where he had a craniotomy, (brain surgery), November 29th, resulting from a recent stroke he had in September 19th, just prior to his 30th birthday. After several Ct Scans and MRI's, they discovered a cavernous hemangioma on his right temporal lobe. (Sadly, cavernous hemangioma's are genetically passed down and many family members from my mother's side of the family are plagued with them). Yale University was going to do a study on our family due to the great number of family who have this condition. Matt's was in the best possible location that would cause the least amount of risk or damage from the necessary surgery. This was his 2nd stroke, (but we actually suspect it's his 3rd!) in 3 years from the same area - so they had to remove it or he would inevitably have another stroke! It was just a matter of time.
I am so thankful that God orchestrated his hand in this whole situation! The surgeon, Dr. Mina, who performed the surgery was the highest recommended surgeon in the entire southern region of the United States! Matt was in very good hands! Although Matt is still in the process of the month-long recovery, we are hopeful that strokes and seizures will be a thing of the past from this day forward! Jessie, his wife, has been by his side the entire time - and won't leave him for a moment unless someone is with him. Actually, he cannot be left alone at this time!
My last year's letter left off with Chris still recovering from his November 5, 2010 back surgery where he had a triple lumbar laminectomy and fusion on his back. I am happy to say, that although the recovery period was long and painful, Chris is doing so much better now! His legs are no longer numb or in pain! He can walk and do normal things again, (within reason)! He still resides with us and recently resumed a full-time schedule at Vol. State Community College pursuing a nursing degree and has started working for our company Wilson Painting, Inc. - bidding and estimating potential job projects! He has become a huge blessing and Steve's right hand man!
My daughter Michelle and son-in-law Jay have moved from Ohio into the state of Tennessee and now reside near Sevierville, TN - which is only 3 1/2 hours from us driving time. If Steve could convince me to fly - it would take only 45 minutes - but I prefer driving! I LOVE having my grandchildren so much closer! Michelle still homeschools and does quite well with it! They just celebrated their youngest - Chloe's 2nd birthday. She's quite a little spit-fire, curly-haired redhead! But her voice will melt your heart!!! Grand-daughter Hannah, with her beautifully long and straight red hair - is simply precious! I am not biased though! Ha! Just speaking the truth!!! She will turn 5 years old in January. Benjamin is 7 now and growing like a weed and Rebekah soon to be 11 years old this month - measures herself to me everytime I visit. The new challenge is to get taller than grandma! Ha!
Recently, Michelle and Jay made an announcement that knocked me for a bit of a loop! I have no words to describe the feelings enmeshed deep within my heart when they told me that they felt God was calling them to be missionaries and were planning to move to Poland. Yes! Poland - the country, on the other-side-of-the-WORLD-Poland! Jay has talked about being a missionary in Poland for years- but Michelle never relented. However, all that has changed and they are making plans to move. I am not sure when, as they have much to prepare beforehand - and money to save in order to make this a reality! But meanwhile, they have begun their daily regimen of language lessons to learn Polish! I am not looking forward to the day that they say their final goodbyes. My heart aches and I am left with a deep sadness of loss! Poland, on the other hand, is gaining a precious family!
They also announced their news of being pregnant and having another baby. Sadly, shortly after Christmas - the ultra-sound showed that the baby had died. My heart aches for my daughter - as it's her 3rd miscarriage!
For other news, my son Josh found a good job working for a local painting company. He lived with us temporarily - but has since found a cute little 2 bedroom house directly across the street from a cemetery not too far from me. At least his neighbors are quiet! Ha! Grandson Micah is now 18 months and such a precious baby a with a sweet disposition! He can say a few words now, but I think cookie is his favorite! Ha ha! This past year though - he has been a regular weekly visitor at the doctor's office and due to his many ear infections - they finally put tubes in his ears. He is doing much better.
As for my husband Steve, he is keeping busy as he is able. Work this year has been far and few between and getting companies to pay once the jobs are complete is like pulling teeth without novacaine! Soo frustrating. I have to say that this year - above all years - is most stressful and financially draining! But we are hanging in there - and taking each day as it comes. Some years are better than others - but this year it's been a pretty dry season - but I think it has been for countless families all across the nation!
When I tried recap and remember this past year - I soon discovered that I didn't keep up with my blog very well! When I sat down and wrote out all that has transpired in 2011, I sadly realized that so many family members and friends have died this year. Heaven's reflections have truly been foremost on my mind! During one week alone - there were three funerals to attend! Steve's dad, Roy Wilson, died just before his 94th birthday!!! Also my brother-in-law, Charlie Crispin, my favorite Aunt Norma Ash, and several friends, along with my cat Snickers, who I had for 16 years!!!
But there were some good things staying at a B&B for the first time ever! My son Matt and daughter-in-law Jessie reserved our rooms and we met them there. We stayed at the Maple Lodge in Blowing Rock, NC and enjoyed ourselves completely! It was a really cool place too!
We also pulled off a family camping trip this past fall, where we all gathered together at Notchy Creek Campground in Vonore, TN! Three tents, heaters and a fifth-wheel! We froze at night - but we had a wonderfully memorable time and hope to make this an annual event!!! However, I think we'll find another campground - as this one was a tad squishy!
I hope your Christmas season was memorable and filled with family gatherings, laughter and memories to cherish! May this coming new year will be filled with God's sweet blessings! May each of us grow closer to Jesus - the Author and Finisher of our faith. He is our shield and defender, a present help in times of trouble. He promises to never leave or forsake us and will be with us to the very end! May you find comfort and peace in Him. God bless you and your family always!
Happy New Year 2012!!!!!
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Merry Christmas!
Just getting in a head-start! This will be a busy busy week! Last minute things to do, a few items yet to buy, wrap the remaining gifts, cook, prepare, cook some more!
I LOVE Christmas time!!!!!!!!
The celebration of Jesus' birth!
It makes me wonder what we'll do once we are in Heaven!
Just in case I don't get back to my blog.....
I hope you have a Very Merry Christmas! Filled with immeasurable blessings from and friends who gather together and sing! Laughter and warm memories that fill your heart! God bless you this Christmas!
Merry Christmas!!!!!!!
I LOVE Christmas time!!!!!!!!
The celebration of Jesus' birth!
It makes me wonder what we'll do once we are in Heaven!
Just in case I don't get back to my blog.....
I hope you have a Very Merry Christmas! Filled with immeasurable blessings from and friends who gather together and sing! Laughter and warm memories that fill your heart! God bless you this Christmas!
Merry Christmas!!!!!!!
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Matt Continues to Improve...
Matt's first night home from the hospital caused quite a stir - when his wife Jessie was awakened and Matt was having another seizure! She urgently tapped on my door, and while she was trying to keep Matt on his side, I quickly dialed 9-1-1! My heart sunk and prayers of pleading began - as we waited for the paramedics and ambulance to arrive.
After an all night stay in the emergency room, they increased Matt's anti-seizure medications. By then - Matt had come back to us! At first he didn't know he had surgery or what was happening to him - but eventually it all came back!
Since then however, Matt is doing very well! His speech is good, motor skills unaffected and he seems completely normal. All except his absent-mindedness which frustrates him. But it's doable!
Continued prayers are so necessary for complete healing. I cannot wait to see them for Christmas - as Matt wanted to spend Christmas morning with us! I feel like I'M the kid now! Ha ha! Soo much to do to prepare...but I am elated to have my son and daughter-in-law for Christmas! Still praying about everyone else!!!!! Time will tell!!!
After an all night stay in the emergency room, they increased Matt's anti-seizure medications. By then - Matt had come back to us! At first he didn't know he had surgery or what was happening to him - but eventually it all came back!
Since then however, Matt is doing very well! His speech is good, motor skills unaffected and he seems completely normal. All except his absent-mindedness which frustrates him. But it's doable!
Continued prayers are so necessary for complete healing. I cannot wait to see them for Christmas - as Matt wanted to spend Christmas morning with us! I feel like I'M the kid now! Ha ha! Soo much to do to prepare...but I am elated to have my son and daughter-in-law for Christmas! Still praying about everyone else!!!!! Time will tell!!!
Friday, December 2, 2011
Matt is home from the hospital!!!
Praise God!!! Matt is finally home from the hospital! His craniotomy was successful and so far so good! The swelling on the side of his face is minimal! Now for a speedy recovery! Praying!!!!!!
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Sad news
Husband, Father, Grandfather, Pastor, Friend...God calls Conyer Walker home!
Conyer was our pastor and friend! Last night while getting ready for their weekly Bible Study ...Conyer had a massive heart attack and died on the way to the hospital!
Our thoughts and prayers are with Helen,(Conyer's wife), the family, and their church members! May God comfort them and give them a peace which passes all understanding!
My heart is very sad!
Conyer was our pastor and friend! Last night while getting ready for their weekly Bible Study ...Conyer had a massive heart attack and died on the way to the hospital!
Our thoughts and prayers are with Helen,(Conyer's wife), the family, and their church members! May God comfort them and give them a peace which passes all understanding!
My heart is very sad!
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Matt's Surgery Day!
Today was the day we deaded! As much as we tried to push it out of our mind it continued to loom over us like a dark drizzly day! The surgery, which we thought would last FIVE long hours, but surprisingly took only 2! After several repeated MRI's, the 10:30 am surgery time bumped up to 12:30 pm,and then to 3:00pm! It was an enormously LONG day of waiting.....waiting....waiting...and waiting some more!
The love and support of his friends was amazing to behold! His buddyy Dennis was there first thing in the morning and stayed all day into the night! We felt so bad that they wouldn't let anyone see him. Only bis wife and his mom-in-law and me! Even then they didn't want us to stay but a few minutes!
There were several from his church and work that stopped by! My son is truly blessed! The friend that stood out the most though was Vic! An elderly gentleman that they recently met on Veterans Day and shared a dinner together! They became fast friends! Vic is a facsinating man with countless stories, pictures and articles. He never forgot Matt's surgery day and came to sit with us ALL DAY LONG!!! It made me realize that relationships are precious in all walks of life! So many blessings to be thankful for!
The love and support of his friends was amazing to behold! His buddyy Dennis was there first thing in the morning and stayed all day into the night! We felt so bad that they wouldn't let anyone see him. Only bis wife and his mom-in-law and me! Even then they didn't want us to stay but a few minutes!
There were several from his church and work that stopped by! My son is truly blessed! The friend that stood out the most though was Vic! An elderly gentleman that they recently met on Veterans Day and shared a dinner together! They became fast friends! Vic is a facsinating man with countless stories, pictures and articles. He never forgot Matt's surgery day and came to sit with us ALL DAY LONG!!! It made me realize that relationships are precious in all walks of life! So many blessings to be thankful for!
My son Matt's Craniotomy Successful! I hope I said that right!
The brain surgery was necessary for my son! It was a day we all dreaded, but knew it had to be done! It was a cavernous angioma! It was what caused his last 2 strokes! (Only we suspect 3). It had to be cut out! After an enormously LONG day and many Mi's later, the very willed surgeon, Dr. Mina proceeded to remove the culprit vein!
After surgery they moved him to ICU where he spent the night! The nurses didn't want us to stay long, so we left the hospital for the night! We felt that Matt was in good hands. When we were finally able to see him, we found him alert, talking like a chatter box and asking countless questions! I was amazed!!!
The outpouring of love and support astounded me! My son is truly blessed of God! A loving wife, countless friends and faithful prayer partners have all helped to make this difficult season of life more bearable!
Hoping today he will leave the ICU and be moved to his own room! Only time will determine the outcome of his surgery - but I'm hopeful!!!
I will do my utmost to update his progress!
For today I am bursting with gratitude! We do serve an awesome God!!!
After surgery they moved him to ICU where he spent the night! The nurses didn't want us to stay long, so we left the hospital for the night! We felt that Matt was in good hands. When we were finally able to see him, we found him alert, talking like a chatter box and asking countless questions! I was amazed!!!
The outpouring of love and support astounded me! My son is truly blessed of God! A loving wife, countless friends and faithful prayer partners have all helped to make this difficult season of life more bearable!
Hoping today he will leave the ICU and be moved to his own room! Only time will determine the outcome of his surgery - but I'm hopeful!!!
I will do my utmost to update his progress!
For today I am bursting with gratitude! We do serve an awesome God!!!
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Happy Thanksgiving week!!!!!
Happy Thanksgiving!
My son Matt is due to have brain surgery right after Thanksgiving. Many prayers am I praying!!!!
Sunday, October 30, 2011
In Loving Memory of Norma Jean Ash
In Loving Memory
Norma Jean Ash
August 28, 1930 to October 29, 2011
My favorite Aunt fought a good fight battling cancer and went home to be with the Lord on October 29, 2011! I will miss her so very much and always will!!!!! I loved her - I always will!
My favorite Aunt fought a good fight battling cancer and went home to be with the Lord on October 29, 2011! I will miss her so very much and always will!!!!! I loved her - I always will!
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
I'm back...momentarily anyway!
It's been quite a whirlwind of events lately! Late one evening I got a call on my cell phone. I thought - who would be calling me this time of night?! I was stunned when it was my daughter-in-law's mother. She called to say that my son Matt had a stroke and they were taking him to the hospital. Being that he is 5 hours away an in another state - I knew I couldn't leave that night - it was too late - and I can't see well at night...or stay awake for that matter. So after much prayer - and asking others to pray as well....I tried to sleep! Tried - was the key word - because I couldn't sleep much!
Early the next morning - I finished packing my suitcase, (as I was planning on visiting my grandchildren), and headed out to South Carolina. I stopped to pick up my daughter in Sevierville, TN and we both traveled to the hospital to see Matt.
When we arrived, he was in ICU...and we couldn't go and see him right away - as they were working on him. We waiting - and gathered information from Ellen. Soon - we made our way back to ICU where my son was hooked up to a ventilator and in a deep coma to keep him fro seizing and having any more atrial fibrulations. From 8:20 pm the night before until 7:00 am the next day they couldn't stabilize him so they had to intubate him and put him in a drug induced coma.
There sitting by my son's bedside in ICU was his wife Jessie, my daughter Michelle and me. We were only allowed 2 in the room with him - but I think they made an exception for us and even offered another chair so that we could all three sit down. We were the three closest women in my son's life, now sitting beside my lifeless son - and the ventilator breathing for him. We choked back tears while we sat there, eyes fixed upon my son in hopes to see him come around - praying that God would not take my son from us! It's hard to lose a child - I cry at the thought - but to leave my daughter-in-law a widow - I couldn't fathom it!
The next day when we arrived he began to stir some and, although he has no memory of this, opened his eyes slightly. I held his hand and asked, "Do you know me?" He gave a slight nod - and a tear came rolling out from the corner of his eye. It was so hard to hold it together. Next, my daughter held his hand - and before she could ask him if he recognized her - he grabbed for her hand and whispered, "I love you!"
The next hours blended into days - and then over a week later.......Too many stories to recount them all - but after a series of several teams of doctors ALL contradicting the previous teams in diagnoses, etc. an the frustrations of NOT really understanding what was goin on with him - we were able to bring Matt home.
He is doing very well - and astounded his doctor that he is able to talk, walk and function as well as he is. He tires easily - but he is able to do far more than the doctors anticipated. He had had 2 bleeds on the brain - 1 on each side. A cavernous angioma on one side - and a venous angioma on the other. He is another stroke looking for a place to happen!
Through all the prayers - and prayer warriors that prayed unceasingly during this agonizing week-long trauma unfolding - we know that God's hand was upon Matt - and brought him back to us. Praise God! Who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we can ever ask or hope for.
He isn't out of the woods yet - but hopefully soon he will be able to find the appropriate neurosurgeon specialist to perform the delicate lazer surgery that he must do. Meanwhile, we keep praying that God will lead us to the right surgeon - after our nationwide search!
I am so thankful that we still have him!!!!! He is amazing!
God is so good!!!
Early the next morning - I finished packing my suitcase, (as I was planning on visiting my grandchildren), and headed out to South Carolina. I stopped to pick up my daughter in Sevierville, TN and we both traveled to the hospital to see Matt.
When we arrived, he was in ICU...and we couldn't go and see him right away - as they were working on him. We waiting - and gathered information from Ellen. Soon - we made our way back to ICU where my son was hooked up to a ventilator and in a deep coma to keep him fro seizing and having any more atrial fibrulations. From 8:20 pm the night before until 7:00 am the next day they couldn't stabilize him so they had to intubate him and put him in a drug induced coma.
There sitting by my son's bedside in ICU was his wife Jessie, my daughter Michelle and me. We were only allowed 2 in the room with him - but I think they made an exception for us and even offered another chair so that we could all three sit down. We were the three closest women in my son's life, now sitting beside my lifeless son - and the ventilator breathing for him. We choked back tears while we sat there, eyes fixed upon my son in hopes to see him come around - praying that God would not take my son from us! It's hard to lose a child - I cry at the thought - but to leave my daughter-in-law a widow - I couldn't fathom it!
The next day when we arrived he began to stir some and, although he has no memory of this, opened his eyes slightly. I held his hand and asked, "Do you know me?" He gave a slight nod - and a tear came rolling out from the corner of his eye. It was so hard to hold it together. Next, my daughter held his hand - and before she could ask him if he recognized her - he grabbed for her hand and whispered, "I love you!"
The next hours blended into days - and then over a week later.......Too many stories to recount them all - but after a series of several teams of doctors ALL contradicting the previous teams in diagnoses, etc. an the frustrations of NOT really understanding what was goin on with him - we were able to bring Matt home.
He is doing very well - and astounded his doctor that he is able to talk, walk and function as well as he is. He tires easily - but he is able to do far more than the doctors anticipated. He had had 2 bleeds on the brain - 1 on each side. A cavernous angioma on one side - and a venous angioma on the other. He is another stroke looking for a place to happen!
Through all the prayers - and prayer warriors that prayed unceasingly during this agonizing week-long trauma unfolding - we know that God's hand was upon Matt - and brought him back to us. Praise God! Who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we can ever ask or hope for.
He isn't out of the woods yet - but hopefully soon he will be able to find the appropriate neurosurgeon specialist to perform the delicate lazer surgery that he must do. Meanwhile, we keep praying that God will lead us to the right surgeon - after our nationwide search!
I am so thankful that we still have him!!!!! He is amazing!
God is so good!!!
Sunday, September 4, 2011
Absence from the Body is to be present with the Lord....
The Memorial Service was so fitting for him - and he would have been so pleased. It was more like a camp-meeting. We laughed, we cried, we sang and we prayed.....the preaching was astounding.....and I think he must have been smiling - because it was so fitting for him.
I know he's in a better place!
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Posts postponed until computer repaired computers have gone caput! So until such time that I can get them up and running again - I will not be posting. Besides - it's summer time - and whew....sooo many things going on!
Have a blessed summer!!!!
Have a blessed summer!!!!
Sunday, June 26, 2011
A Beautiful sight to behold.......
God blessed us with his glorious display - and breath-taking skies! I am still in awe!
I see the shape of a crown in the center, just slightly to the right...
You can almost see some faces too.....
It was so beautiful! The pictures DO NOT do it justice! It was definately a blessing!
I see the shape of a crown in the center, just slightly to the right...
You can almost see some faces too.....
It was so beautiful! The pictures DO NOT do it justice! It was definately a blessing!
Friday, June 17, 2011
More storms in the making.....
It seems as though lately I pray a lot more about the weather than I used to. Is it just me? Or are recent storms worse now than years' past?!
The other night was an eerie storm that came through and appeared to come from no where! Once upon us the sky turned the brightest orange I have ever seen. When the clouds began to spin in a circular motion - we thought for sure we were looking at the beginning of a tornado! Thank goodness - it wasn't!
Monday, June 13, 2011
When it rains.......It pours!
Well....where do I start? Our rental house has been renamed and now known as, "The Money Pit!" FRUSTRATION doesn't come close to explaining our aggravation of one thing after another after another - yet after another of things breaking, needing fixed, more repairs, more money.....phew!
For years the apartment side of the house's airconditioner has given us fits and had to be recharged every summer. This hot season - was no exception.....only the tennant wasn't home and no one noticed that something was terribly wrong with the ceilings.
One day, while the little cousins ran up into the apartment, they returned to report that water was coming down out of the light in the ceiling! Yikes! Well...after investigating - low and behold - the ol' airconditioner's coils rusted up and clogged, causing the drip tray to overflow and down onto the ceiling. (The unit is situated in the attic - and not to our liking - but that's where they installed it when the apartment part of the house was built.)
Unfortunatley, the ceiling in the master bedroom has to be redone - as the drywall tape is falling - and the water stains need Kilz before we repaint.
But then - the guys that were to install a new unit made a mess on the carpets - and we're not sure at this time if they plan to clean up their messes - but I do believe that Steve will suggest that they do. I cannot believe that no one protected the carpet! I don't think rust comes out of white burbour carpet! Grrr!
Ok....THEN....the kicker of all - is the inground pool. If you only knew how much money we have put into this pool to make it "maintenance free" you'd better understand our complete and total aggravation that they pool's water is now a gross green....and the suspect "Mineral Springs Coil" isn't working properly....AGAIN! It was a costly process to convert the pool from chlorene to the Mineral Springs. It was supposed to save money in the long run with chemicals......but in the 2 or so years we've had it - we've had nothing but troubles with it and have had to have constant care over it - and repairs as well - even though it was NEW.
I really think Steve is about to fill in the pool with dirt, plant grass - and call it DONE!
Meanwhile, the house, (which I do miss....but don't see moving back to) is on our minds to sell it to the tenants, who have informed us of their interest if we should decide to sell it. I have to pray about this.....and then I suppose - let it go.
I do miss that house many memories....soo many rooms! Wonderful square foot - and location is so perfectly situated! I love the neighborhood!
Lots to pray about!
For years the apartment side of the house's airconditioner has given us fits and had to be recharged every summer. This hot season - was no exception.....only the tennant wasn't home and no one noticed that something was terribly wrong with the ceilings.
One day, while the little cousins ran up into the apartment, they returned to report that water was coming down out of the light in the ceiling! Yikes! Well...after investigating - low and behold - the ol' airconditioner's coils rusted up and clogged, causing the drip tray to overflow and down onto the ceiling. (The unit is situated in the attic - and not to our liking - but that's where they installed it when the apartment part of the house was built.)
Unfortunatley, the ceiling in the master bedroom has to be redone - as the drywall tape is falling - and the water stains need Kilz before we repaint.
But then - the guys that were to install a new unit made a mess on the carpets - and we're not sure at this time if they plan to clean up their messes - but I do believe that Steve will suggest that they do. I cannot believe that no one protected the carpet! I don't think rust comes out of white burbour carpet! Grrr!
Ok....THEN....the kicker of all - is the inground pool. If you only knew how much money we have put into this pool to make it "maintenance free" you'd better understand our complete and total aggravation that they pool's water is now a gross green....and the suspect "Mineral Springs Coil" isn't working properly....AGAIN! It was a costly process to convert the pool from chlorene to the Mineral Springs. It was supposed to save money in the long run with chemicals......but in the 2 or so years we've had it - we've had nothing but troubles with it and have had to have constant care over it - and repairs as well - even though it was NEW.
I really think Steve is about to fill in the pool with dirt, plant grass - and call it DONE!
Meanwhile, the house, (which I do miss....but don't see moving back to) is on our minds to sell it to the tenants, who have informed us of their interest if we should decide to sell it. I have to pray about this.....and then I suppose - let it go.
I do miss that house many memories....soo many rooms! Wonderful square foot - and location is so perfectly situated! I love the neighborhood!
Lots to pray about!
Time for R & R...
My feet ached with fury - and all I wanted to go is prop up my feet and take a break from a very loooong weekend!
Even in the sticky hot humidity - it still felt good to kick back and do nothing - but hear the birds singing and tweeting their melodies! It was mezmerizing!
There is nothing greater - than sitting back - and basking in the presence of God - and reflecting in His glory!!! Oh the peace that fills my soul!!!
Micah tries his own hand at eating!
My grandson Micah LOVES to eat! What kid doesn't??? I think he's doing good at holding that spoon and feeding himself. He found his mouth - for sure!
I just love this grand-baby boy! P R E C I O U S!!!! Doesn't even come close - I just want to gobble him up!!!
I just love this grand-baby boy! P R E C I O U S!!!! Doesn't even come close - I just want to gobble him up!!!
Celebrating Micah's 1st birthday!!!
It's hard to imagine this little baby is nearing the one-year mark. He will officially be 1 year old on June 15th. Where did all the time go???
Although - life has been hectic - we quickly put together a birthday celebration for Micah while they were with us the weekend. Otherwise - we wouldn't have able to for 2 more weeks.
Anyway - I think it was a HUGE HIT - and Micah LOVES his new-found gift! Pictures say it all! :0)
Homeward Bound....and MORE moving days! body is aching from all the moving! I guess in some ways - it's a blessing to have so much to do! Ha ha! The more busy I get - the more potential weight loss! Well?! It works in theory anyway!
I only had a couple days to regroup and get rested, (REST? What is rest???) before my son Josh moved from his duplex this past weekend. He has been working a great distance away from where he lives - and decided to save money on gasoline, (especially with the high and rising prices), and plans to stay with friends while he finishes this one particular job!
We set up a bedroom for he and our grandson Micah to stay on the weekends - so at least we get to see and spend time with them. I'm very excited. But - Josh plans to move into his own place again - in approx. 2 months - just long enough to finish the job he is currently doing.
BUT in order to make room for him - I had to clean out our exercise room - and closet - which was no easy task. It doesn't take long to accumulate a bunch of stuff! Without me realizing it - it became a junk room - mostly the closet - and the HUGE eliptical glider. Thank you to Josh's friends - I wouldn't have been able to move that thing! Yikes! It's been another crazy whirlwind weekend - but Josh has moved out of the duplex and most everything he owns into a storage unit, with partial belongs in a room with us - and a week's long bag of belongings (mainly work clothes) to take with him during the week.
Needless to say - it's been a busy weekend and our bones and muscles ache with fury! I am soo glad to say that it's coming together long you don't look at my garage - that is!
Garage Sale??? To do? Or - NOT to do??? That is the question. Left overs that Josh doesn't want - and my daughter Michelle's bags of unwanted items ..... I guess I'll try to set it up and have one soon.....(but first - I really need a window airconditioner to manage the heat! SHEW! HEAT WAVE!!! At one point I read my thermometer - and it was way over 100!!! (AND this isn't even summer yet!!!). (Yes, it was sitting in the sunshine.....whew!) HOT DAYS!!!!
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Awesome Aquarium Exhibit!!!
My daughter wanted me to do something fun - besides working and helping them settle into their new - we ventured to see the Ripley's Aquarium in Gatlinburg, TN. She had a homeschool discount so we thought that was perfect!
Chloe didn't like it when the sharks swam over her head though!
They sure are cute little things!
It was soo much fun! I wanted to do more - but needed to get home - so I will have to make another trip very soon and explore more of Sevierville, Pigeon Forge and Galtinburg, TN! There sure are a LOT of things to do there!!!
After we left the Aquarium we made - yet another run to Krispy Kreme Donuts. Ya gotta spoil's in a Grandparent's Job Description! lol!!!
NEXT STOP: Cold Stone Creamery! Oh YUM!!!! It was a mild fortune - but worth every penny! My grandchildren were especially delighted - and the youngest grandchild, Chloe, was no exception!
When we got home that night - we discovered that my daughter's air conditioner had quit! Yikes!!! In 100+ degrees! We ended up getting fans for all the bedrooms! By the next day - it was fixed. Thank goodness!
It was a great trip!!! I want to go back!!! SOON!
The Boat is Sinking....
It was a short-lived adventure for my son-in-law Jay and granchildren! Now that they live on a river - they thought a rubber raft would be great fun - and so they inflated it - and Jay carried it down the steep bank to the river's edge. Unfortunatley, the briars along the steps leading down to the bank punctured the sides of the raft - and although they tried to paddle around, it was soon apparent that they were taking on water and had to take refuge on the shoreline!
Even so - they had a really GREAT time!!! For as long as it lasted!
Even so - they had a really GREAT time!!! For as long as it lasted!
Friday, June 3, 2011
Krispy Kreme Treat!
One of THE most favorite of my grandchildren - is - yes - Krispy Kreme donuts! I don't blame them - they are sooo good! Being in a little town in Ohio - they weren't able to get them. So to come to a town that has a Kripy Kreme donut shop - they were nothing but giggles the entire way there!
Soon after we arrived, got our donuts.....Chloe piped in! "Eat! Donie".....(for donut)....It was soo cute I had to record it.....but unfortunately cannot upload the video. But the pictures say a lot....needless to say - they were delighted with their treat from Grandma!!!
I love my precious grandchildren! They were havin' a blast!!! I LOVE creating memories!!!
Making Progress's been a very . . . s l o w . . . process in getting my daughter and family moved into their new rental house! The landlord didn't do as promised - and there are countless bugs, spider eggs, webs, yuk! Not to mention - no mirror in the bathroom, the towel racks are gone...or broken and only one half of the holder is semi-hanging onto the wall! What a mess.....and dirty...dirty...dirty! The landlord didn't clean, didn't paint, didn't clean the carpets.....Didn't do anything he promised. Then of course, there are lots of spiders and a multiple pesty baby praying mantises!
I'm trying to NOT be so cynicle....but I'm a landlord...and I would NEVER rent out a house in this condition!!!
After installing towel racks and other multiple little projects....the house is finally looking like a home!!! Yeah!!!
Final touches today were hopefully trying to fix the broken drawer in my daughter's dresser that the moving company busted to smitherines.....that took some doing. Of course, we won't know if it works until the wood glue dries!
The outside has a little more work though - as we discovered poison ivy in the front walkway....and in back by the river bank. I also discovered a huge sink-hole. I am praying the kids never go to investigate or accidently fall into it!
I really don't think they're going to live here very long.....It was just a temporary move to get them into the state of Tennessee and out of the boondocksville of Ohio!
I'm trying to NOT be so cynicle....but I'm a landlord...and I would NEVER rent out a house in this condition!!!
After installing towel racks and other multiple little projects....the house is finally looking like a home!!! Yeah!!!
Final touches today were hopefully trying to fix the broken drawer in my daughter's dresser that the moving company busted to smitherines.....that took some doing. Of course, we won't know if it works until the wood glue dries!
The outside has a little more work though - as we discovered poison ivy in the front walkway....and in back by the river bank. I also discovered a huge sink-hole. I am praying the kids never go to investigate or accidently fall into it!
I really don't think they're going to live here very long.....It was just a temporary move to get them into the state of Tennessee and out of the boondocksville of Ohio!
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
it's coming along...
My daughter's new house, ( to them - anyway), is being unpacked ever so slowly - one box at a time. My feet ache with fury too! I was so disappointed today when I contacted Craigslist for an advertised cupboard. We thought it would be fairly large - but when it arrived - it was ever so small. I wanted to cry! And so did my daughter.
The builder who built this house - must have been a single guy who never cooked! There are only 2 drawers in the kitchen and one of which cannot open because the stove handle is in the way! There are very few cabinets and not very much room to put anything away! Sadly - they will have to make due until they can find a better place than this.
It's situated on the river, which is very pretty! But very sticky and humid! And loads of bugs! But....for a while I'm sure they will enjoy living there. The master bedroom is HUGE...and so is the living room. It's all open to the kitchen and dining room. However, the 2 other bedrooms are very small - and one doesn't have a closet. Thankfully, they have a wardrobe/dresser to help with the clothes.
it's not a bad little house...but it has very little storage. And what storage it does have - is not situated or easily accessible. The closet in the 3rd bedroom may go as wide as the room - but you can't get to the clothes through the tiny door they installed. It's really crazy!
It's pretty disappointing because their landlord said that he was going to clean it up and paint, but did nothing. There is no mirror in the main bathroom, the towel rod is missing, there are countless holes with make-shift patches, the walls are filthy and spider webs are everywhere! There is a board screwed into the living room wall - and all the screws are stripped - so you can't take it off the wall! The carpet as pet odors, and needs to be cleaned! The air filter was disgustingly gross and pitch black! Yuk! Nothing like destroying your airconditioning and heating unit!
Tomorrow will hopefully be a more productive day.
My grandchildren are so excited about sleeping in their beds in the house for the first time tonight! We got the most of their things unpacked and tried to set up their rooms the best we could. I somehow think that we didn't even make a dent in the boxes though! Ha ha! But one box at a time....and eventually - they will be settled soon enough. Shew!
Meanwhile though....I'm keeping an eye out for a pantry to help with their situation of no storage space!
The builder who built this house - must have been a single guy who never cooked! There are only 2 drawers in the kitchen and one of which cannot open because the stove handle is in the way! There are very few cabinets and not very much room to put anything away! Sadly - they will have to make due until they can find a better place than this.
It's situated on the river, which is very pretty! But very sticky and humid! And loads of bugs! But....for a while I'm sure they will enjoy living there. The master bedroom is HUGE...and so is the living room. It's all open to the kitchen and dining room. However, the 2 other bedrooms are very small - and one doesn't have a closet. Thankfully, they have a wardrobe/dresser to help with the clothes.
it's not a bad little house...but it has very little storage. And what storage it does have - is not situated or easily accessible. The closet in the 3rd bedroom may go as wide as the room - but you can't get to the clothes through the tiny door they installed. It's really crazy!
It's pretty disappointing because their landlord said that he was going to clean it up and paint, but did nothing. There is no mirror in the main bathroom, the towel rod is missing, there are countless holes with make-shift patches, the walls are filthy and spider webs are everywhere! There is a board screwed into the living room wall - and all the screws are stripped - so you can't take it off the wall! The carpet as pet odors, and needs to be cleaned! The air filter was disgustingly gross and pitch black! Yuk! Nothing like destroying your airconditioning and heating unit!
Tomorrow will hopefully be a more productive day.
My grandchildren are so excited about sleeping in their beds in the house for the first time tonight! We got the most of their things unpacked and tried to set up their rooms the best we could. I somehow think that we didn't even make a dent in the boxes though! Ha ha! But one box at a time....and eventually - they will be settled soon enough. Shew!
Meanwhile though....I'm keeping an eye out for a pantry to help with their situation of no storage space!
Monday, May 30, 2011
Moving In Day
Shew! What a day! HOT HOT HOT!!! My car temperature read 114 "HOT" degrees! I am soo thankful that my blower started working again - or I'd be without airconditioning! Thank you Lord!!!
My daughter Michelle and son-in-law Jay had LOTS of snags in moving into their new house. They couldn't get in touch with the landlord - so when they arrived in town - they didn't have a key to the house.
They also discovered that the city wouldn't turn on their water until they saw the lease in person! water! AND it was Memorial Day Weekend - so businesses are closed until Tuesday!
Their was no choice but to stay in a hotel! Which is nice - and thankfully Steve was able to get me a room with points. Remarkably (for a Memorial weekend - and LOTS of travelers - we were able to get rooms and right across the hall from one another! Yeah!
The moving truck arrived this morning and I think after a few hours - my daughter was in near tears. The moving company broke many of their belongings - and then had the nerve to say there is a "deductible" for $500.00. I think NOT! They broke it - they pay for it all!
I've never seen such a lack of care for others' things - but to have a long-distance moving company NOT use a GPS! Crazy! The one guy's attitude was horrible. He was mad that he had to work on Memorial Day Weekend!
Anyway - they need to do a claim for all the pieces broken. The story is I won't go into detail. I think they need to do a claim for sure though!
But....on a lighter side of things.....the hotel's swimming pool was mighty inviting after an extremely HOT day of moving...unpacking what little we could without water......(they didn't clean the house - as they promised!) I think my grandchildren had a GREAT time!!!
Tomorrow....another day.....and more boxes to unpack! Maybe I'll try to get into the girls' room! Shew! Q. Oh where is my hairbrush? A. In a box! Ha ha ha! Just kidding!
Thank you Lord - for another day! I'm praying for a better - more productive day - WITH water!!! :)
My daughter Michelle and son-in-law Jay had LOTS of snags in moving into their new house. They couldn't get in touch with the landlord - so when they arrived in town - they didn't have a key to the house.
They also discovered that the city wouldn't turn on their water until they saw the lease in person! water! AND it was Memorial Day Weekend - so businesses are closed until Tuesday!
Their was no choice but to stay in a hotel! Which is nice - and thankfully Steve was able to get me a room with points. Remarkably (for a Memorial weekend - and LOTS of travelers - we were able to get rooms and right across the hall from one another! Yeah!
The moving truck arrived this morning and I think after a few hours - my daughter was in near tears. The moving company broke many of their belongings - and then had the nerve to say there is a "deductible" for $500.00. I think NOT! They broke it - they pay for it all!
I've never seen such a lack of care for others' things - but to have a long-distance moving company NOT use a GPS! Crazy! The one guy's attitude was horrible. He was mad that he had to work on Memorial Day Weekend!
Anyway - they need to do a claim for all the pieces broken. The story is I won't go into detail. I think they need to do a claim for sure though!
But....on a lighter side of things.....the hotel's swimming pool was mighty inviting after an extremely HOT day of moving...unpacking what little we could without water......(they didn't clean the house - as they promised!) I think my grandchildren had a GREAT time!!!
Tomorrow....another day.....and more boxes to unpack! Maybe I'll try to get into the girls' room! Shew! Q. Oh where is my hairbrush? A. In a box! Ha ha ha! Just kidding!
Thank you Lord - for another day! I'm praying for a better - more productive day - WITH water!!! :)
Wonderful weekend in Blowing Rock, NC
It was a restful and wonderful weekend with my son Matt and daughter-in-law Jessie. They booked us a room at their favorite Bed and Breakfast in Blowing Rock, NC. the Maple Lodge is a quaint B&B in a quaint little town. Everywhere we went was dog-friendly. I've never seen a place where dogs are such an overwhelming welcome part of the town! The town itself was very accomidating to people, and benches, chairs, tables with umbrellas were scattered everywhere throughout the town, along with paths that led to, yet another, beautiful place to see. Rodedendrons where everywhere - and soo beautiful! Nestled in the Appalatian Mountains - the view was beautiful! I had such a great time! Steve, on the other hand - was very antsy - as work....well...he has a hard time NOT doing! He did however, keep his phone calls to a minimum. lol
There were posted signs in all the restaurants and shops that requested, "No cell phones." So Steve slipped outside. OH is work...and when it rains - you gotta do what you gotta do.
All in all - it was a wonderful weekend. As for the guys though...Matt and Steve had a blast at the dulcimer shop...and are now proud owners of the beautiful instrument! I think I may try to learn it's a lot of fun and quite a remarkable little instrument!
I am so thankful! As we ventured down the many paths - I began to wonder just how beautiful Heaven and its gardens will be. There are some places just soo beautiful here on earth - that it makes you wish time could stand still while you grasp its beauty! Heaven will - no doubt - be breath-takingly beautiful for our eyes to behold! I catch myself wishing Jesus would just take us home.
Our world...and its ways - sadden my heart so much! The craziness of our political world - with a multitude of opinions, the famine in various places, the earthquakes, tornadoes and floods that have devistated such vast areas throughout our world! The wars and rumours of wars....violence seemingly everywhere! The list is endless it seems! The party-world of godless people - who live to have their next drink, or drugs, etc. My heart is enormously heavy! Do they not realize that we will all stand accountable one day before the King of Kings???! What will we say when we stand before the Throne of God - as we will not have an excuse for anything - because there is no excuse - except for plain disobedience and rebellion against God! So many in our world today refuse to accept Jesus as the ONLY way into Heaven's doors! Then there are still so many who attend church religiously - but their hearts are far removed from God and His ways! Even so there are countless lost who talk about Jesus - and use His name - yet fill themselves with beer and wine and hard liquor until they're drunk - and have the ignorance to believe that they will still enter the gates of Heaven! It's those that I pray for - along with so many other things in our world today! I'm praying that God will open their eyes before it's too late!!!
Jesus tells us not to be drunk with wine - but instead be filled with the Holy Spirit! He told us that we can do greater things than He did while on this earth - because it's HE who empowers us to do all things! Sadly, however, many have been taken captive to do the will of Satan - rather than that of God's! Yet, they do not even realize it!
Then there are those who won't give God 5 minutes of their week - or life - and yet somehow fathom that when their lives are ended on earth that they will inherit the Kingdom of God for all eternity! They're so deceived!
We must no longer live as the world does - we MUST live as aliens in this lost and dying world! The Bible tells us not to conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of our minds that we may prove that which is good, acceptable, and perfect will of God! (Romans 12:2).
My son-in-law Jay was a Hospice Chaplain dealing with those who were terminal. He came to the conclusion that even in their old age, KNOWING full well - that they were terminal and dying and at the very end of their lives - the majority were embittered toward the gospel of Jesus and didn't want any part of it. Even though they were told and KNEW that without Jesus - it would be an eternity of torment! They just didn't care! I'll bet they will start caring once they're cast into the outer darkness, where men will weep and knash their teeth.
...For the mind set on the flesh leads to death, (eternal separation from God in a lake of fire, where the thirst is never quenched), but the mind set on the Spirit is life and peace, (in Heaven.....where the Light IS
God...and peace).
We all make choices! Every single moment of every single day - we have the priviledge of choices! I pray for those who have not yet considered Jesus Christ for their Lord and Savior....believing upon Him for eternal life everlasting!
If you died today? Where will YOU spend eternity???
Choose Jesus......and then find a Bible-believing church - and get into the Word of God! There is refreshing unspeakable that cannot be explained in words. It's awesome! Jesus truly is the answer to every problem! He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life....and NO ONE comes to the Father - except through Him.
Praying for you today!!!
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