Wednesday, December 31, 2008

SNICKERS . . . Queen of the House, Chair, Bed . . . furniture . . .

Yes, here is my cat! Snickers. Better named Snobby Snodgrass Snickers!

She's NOT my best friend at the moment - rather I think she is getting old and senile and becoming more cantankerous with every passing day!

She has taken to using my dining room floor as her new liter box - and has a nightly routine of pouncing on me at night - which of course wakes me up!

She meows at midnight or two or three AM! at times because she either wants to go outside to play - or - she wants her treats! OR she has decided SHE NEEDS A BATH!!!!!

Ahhhhhh! I am getting very disgusted with this feline! She has a stubborn streak too!

I feed her

I clean out her potty box - or clean up the messes she makes on my dining room floor!

I give her snick snacks!

I let her out

I let her in

I TRY to pet her - but she arches her back as if to say,

"Ewwww don't touch me"

I'm getting mighty fed up with this feline friend of mine!

I think I want to find her a new home.

Any takers???

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