We have Netflix. We actually like to pick out movies and watch clips beforehand trying to determine which movie would be good and not. They normally don't send another movie until we have returned the previous one first - but this time they did. What we got was a very inspirational and motivational speaker. Andy Andrews wasn't a name that I had heard before so I inserted the DVD and began to play it. What I discovered was a marvelous motivational speaker speaking about his book, The Seven Decisions. Humm . . . That sounds very interesting I thought - and after viewing it twice now - we realized that it has a profound impact on our thinking! I hope you get a glimpse of this - and try to rent the DVD or go to his website to learn more. http://www.andyandrews.com/store/bestsellers/product/the-seven-decisions-tv-special-dvd/
It was very enjoyable. Parents - you will LOVE it!
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