If I see one more box or thing to move - or even HEAR the word MOVING . . . . .
I'm running away!!!!!!!
I'm soooooooooooooooo tired! We worked hard to get some things together for Josh to help him set up a household again. So much of what he had - disappeared or was destroyed. We have been mighty busy moving furniture around, loaning furniture out - and reorganizing the house, moving Josh out to his own place again - and moving Chris over to Josh's former bedroom, and then we moved our exercise equipment from the garage into Chris' old bedroom. We finally have our exercise equipment in the house now - so we can do what we NEED to do - the dreaded EXERCISE! I'm being mindful of New Year's resolutions!
The moving today was hard with the wind that was bitter cold and bit right through us - but we had to load a truck and pack him up so Josh could have furniture again - and set up his new residence. We still haven't unpacked and organized ourselves since we moved into THIS house! Whew! Moving is such HARD WORK!!!
We still need to help him set up which is no easy endeavor and requires a lot of travel! PLUS I have a conflict in that I have Christmas decorations to take down, organize and pack for our church.
Does life ever slow down??? I'm beginning to wonder.
Meanwhile though - my feet are kicked up and I'm taking a very needed rest. This has been a busy, cold, hectic and tiring day! Whew! I really DO need a nap!!!
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