Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Whew....I am soo exhausted!  I was soo busy today rearranging my office....yet...again!  One day I will get it right!  lol...
I had moved my desk - only to realize that the lighting was so bad that I could not see very well - and just couldn't use my desk.  Even with a lamp.  So - I moved my desks near the window so that I can SEE!!!  My eyes just aren't as good as they used to be.
Now to finish hanging a picture, (large picture), and then I need to get even busier!  I need to finish rearranging the filing cabinets - clean out the junk - and arrange and organize so I can find everything again!
Whew!  What a busy day!!!!

I am going to be soo sore tomorrow!

But at least now - I can see!!! :)

Today is the day that the Lord has made....I will rejoice and be glad in it!!! 
Hope you're having a blessed day! :)

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