Monday, May 2, 2011

Grieving, Rejoicing that Osama bin Laden Is Dead

It's hard to know how to feel with the news that Osama bin Laden is dead!  In some ways - I want to cry...tears of the memory of 9-11 and all those lost by the acts of this terrorist.

Sad for a lost and heartless soul that will spend an eternity in the fires of Hell, where men will weep and gnash their teeth in torment.  I suppose it's justice for someone so heartless.

It's so hard for me to realize that in our world we have people who have no conscience or thought toward others.  Just sheer hate that resonates from their demented mind!

Grieving, Rejoicing that Osama bin Laden Is Dead

He's dead!  And now - I'm holding my breath to see the retaliation from his followers.  The terrorists - I've no doubt - are already plotting their wicked schemes! 

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