Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Wedding business proposition....
There is a lady here in town who wants to retire. She's had this wedding business for 23 years and wants to quit and has a lot of inventory she wants to sell...
So I'm praying. I have always wanted my own store....and I have altered wedding dresses, tuxedos, etc. I need to do a LOT of praying!!!
Monday, September 21, 2009
Job Search Continues...
I have thought about staging homes for a side business on my spare time. I love decorating!!!
I have also thought about decorating other's homes! I do love to decorate....rearrange....create an area of interest. I have also thought about working toward a store of my own...but that takes a LOT of capital! I just need it to rain a milllion or so!!! :)
That's not too much to ask - is it???
There is a wedding coordinator retiring...and I'm going to go see the store today.....I don't think I could purchase the business....but I can do wedding dress alterations - and LOVE LOVE LOVE weddings. I love the beautiful, dresses, bouquets, accessories, gifts.....all the pretty things!!!
I would love to own a store!!! Even a home goods a smaller town....??? Hmmm....A wedding consignment store.....or...just plain consignment store that has a wedding apparel department....??? Such a thought! It's BIG business!
Decisions, decisions....the hardest part about me - is that I have such a wide range of interests! Doing something that I enjoy - and make a job of it....and I'll never have to work again!!!
Thats what I have always told my children! Now I just need to heed some of that advice. Meanwhile, I'm praying about which direction to go.....may the Lord lead me...and may I hear His voice telling me, "This is the way, walk in it." to my search....I have to find a job!
Sunday, September 20, 2009
I was glad when they said, "Let us go the house of the Lord and worship"
Have a wonderful worshipful Sunday!!!
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
IT'S NOT CANCER!!!! The Results are in...
The pathology report is back - and the results confirm that she does not have cancer! You cannot imagine how elated we are - and thankful that God and His mighty hand has protected her!!!
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Green Smoothies.....A Healthy and delicious alternative...

3-4 sprigs parsley
Very nutritional and very good...I was surprised when I tasted my first green smoothie.
The website: (There are you can google green smoothie and pull them up)
Another Green Smootie recipe
Another green smootie video
Chloe Grace....our soon-to-be grand daughter...
Friday, September 11, 2009
Happy 31st Birthday to my daughter Michelle today!!!
So? What did the kids conspire to get you???
Thursday, September 10, 2009
ANOTHER creepy critter...only GREEN!!!!
It's a FREE service to talk to your loved ones anywhere in the WORLD through your computer...and again - I say it's FREE!
Free from computer to computer....but they also offer land lines for a mimimal fee..... It's like a gift from you you....really!
Once downloaded - we can talk with our videos through your computer instantly.
You can add me to your call log: cindy.wilson2u - Hope to be talking with you soon! :)
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
7 days to go....the countdown continues
The biopsy report will come back in 7 more agonizingly LONG days away! It can't get here quick enough.
After observing her tongue where they did the biopsy - it's barely noticeable now. I'm so thankful....but alarmed when my daughter reported that the areas on the tongue in question have spread further....
Meanwhile...we still wait...and we pray!
Preying Mantis Dilemma...
As scared as I was to try to catch this guy.....or gal...(I didn't get too close...and even if I did - I wouldn't have known the gender anyway!), I knew that I HAD
to catch it and get it OUT of my house!
I could NEVER have gone to sleep in that room again - if I knew it was lose in my bedroom!
Sooo....after failed attempts to recruit a neighbor's help - I found a pitcher and moved the dresser from the wall - and caught him.....jiggled him to the bottom of the pitcher...and put the lid on top! I walked him out the door over to our mulched area on the side of the yard! WHEW!!! I had goose-bumps trying to work through this dilemma! Scared the life out of me!!!
Monday, September 7, 2009
Steve heads out to Lima, Ohio...
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Church Picnic.....what a fun time!
Prayer.....continues.....for results of Bekah's tongue biopsy...

Saturday, September 5, 2009
Prayers continue for my Grand-daughter Rebekah...

Friday, September 4, 2009
The Biopsy is we wait....for 11 LONG days!
Now we WAIT!!! September 15th seems too far from now.
Unfortunately, they were sent to an oral surgeon - and not an ears, nose and throat medical doctor to do the biopsy - so the insurance didn't cover the expenses! Oh brother! I hate all the bureaucratic red tape and the insurance companies!
Meanwhile, Bek is trying to come back to us...her tongue is swollen....and she can't eat solids for 3 days! I still don't know how Jay held his composure when she looked at Jay and asked, "Daddy, do I have cancer?" I would have lost it right there!
The oral surgeon said other amino deficiency sydrome among other things. Bek has at times gotten weak and fainted before...maybe this is part of it....
All I can do is pray that this is NOT cancer!
Prayers sent the Throne of Grace at the feet of Jesus...for a speedy recovery for my special grand heart is hurting with her!
Heal quickly precious grandchild....I love you Rebekah!
Biopsy today....for Rebekah
Today is agony....the waiting...and waiting...and waiting some more. My daughter just text me to say that they have just taken Rebekah back to the room...her daddy is with her - which is such a relief! She really doesn't understand what they are looking for right now.....It's best not to alarm her before we know anything. I'm praying that it's NOTHING.....It's very rare for children to have tongue cancer. Bek thinks she is at the dentist office....just to have him look at her tongue.
Lord, Father God, in the name of Jesus Christ....I pray for my grand daughter right now. I pray that you are with her....holding her up...comforting her, surrounding her with angels and your presence. Help her to know that you are right by her side and holding her. I pray Father that you will guide the surgeons hand and give him wisdom. I pray that the results are negative. I keep hoping that it will be something simple - and all she has to do is swish some medications everyday and it will all disappear! Please give us strength. Give Michelle and Jay peace and strength Lord, help them to rest in you Father. We know that your ways are higher than ours...and you will never give us anymore than we can bear, although sometimes it feels like we can't bear up under it all. You can do all things Lord. I thank you for your love for us...I thank you for Rebekah and the blessings she gives to all of us. Help her Father not have any pain! I pray all these things in your name Jesus. I thank you for your blessings, your love, your peace and comfort! Amen.