We are learning as we go...but thought I'd share our little plight with you.
Today's smoothy was just delicious!
I use less spinach, parsley and cilantro and more of the pineapple....which makes it sweeter. Eventually I will get braver and use less of the fruit and more of the greens!
My recipe consists of the following: It can be made to your liking...and the only way to know what you like and dislike - is try it several ways until you get it to your liking!!! So many people will testify to it!!!
You need to have a VitaMixer or high powered blender and add the following:
1/3 pineapple (if small), or 1/4 pineapple, (if large)...core and all
1 Banana
1/2 apple, don't core...seeds, stem and all3-4 sprigs parsley
2 sprigs cilantro
1 celery stick
2-3 large handfuls of spinach
1-2 tsp. grape seed oil, (or a handful of seeded grapes)
2 cups of ice(If too thick add water a little at a time)
Start blending fruit in vitamixer and gradually add greens and all other ingredients.Very nutritional and very good...I was surprised when I tasted my first green smoothie.
I'm still perfecting it and plan to add kale to try in tomorrow's smoothie.
I hope you'll give it a try. If not blended enough it will be WAY TOO chunky - so make sure you blend it a good while...2 - 3 minutes.
You can add berries for another color...strawberries, blueberries, etc. to change the color and taste. You just have to experiment, but any and all fruits, nuts, and vegetables can be added. Just create your own taste....it's wonderfully healthy and delicious too!
There are countless websites out there about the nutritional value.
Bottoms up....Try a Green Smootie soon......you will be glad you started!!!The website: (There are more...so you can google green smoothie and pull them up)
The book: (but there are more....it's just the one we have at the moment Green for Life
The making of a green smoothie
Another Green Smootie recipe
Green smoothie...why drink them??? She explains...
funny guy!!!
I like this girl's accent....cute!http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZFm9_6BTCHM&NR=1
Another green smootie video
1 comment:
My family loves green smoothies. They're a staple in our household. YUM!
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